Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas!

Been quite busy these past few weeks, crocheting as if in a race, readying my Christmas gifts for all the lovely girls in my life. Giving you a glimpse with the pictures below of the ongoing project.

Now, if I could only find a crochet project that could be a Christmas gift for the guys :)

A fine mess: some of the crochet projects am working on for Christmas gifts

More crochet flowers to become earrings

A crochet necklace in the works

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Crochet Inspiration: Faye's Middle East photos

A few months ago, my co-Makati Feaster Faye Dondiego posted in Facebook some fabulous photos she took from her vacation at the Middle East and I just fell in love with this one!

Photo courtesy of Ms. Faye Dondiego

Faye was extremely nice for allowing me to use her photo as a crochet inspiration! So here are some of the work in progress for a project I'm naming for a sweet and artistic soul sister...FAYE!

Hexagon pattern taken from Crochet Adorned 


Will probably use this for earrings

And this one as a medallion 

Will post the finished projects soon. Thanks Faye!