Monday, August 9, 2010

Project: Ms. STI 2010 Crown for Ever Bilena

Once again, my dear friend Onin, after having some of our necklaces featured in a fashion magazine spread, commissioned me to create a one-of-a-kind crochet crown for a beauty pageant that their company Ever Bilena sponsors annually. It was a crochet challenge but one that really got me excited! 

My sister Cha and I did some "cyber brainstorming", exchanging design ideas via yahoo messenger and these were some of the sketches and images we considered:
nice pink touches
Really liked the upper left one: simple yet glamorous

Copper wire twisted into frame by Cha

Bought this roll of silver cord and used it to
crochet over the copper wire Cha made
We started experimenting with the frame of the crown and found that copper wire is the best with its malleability. Was afraid that the wire might loose its shape but Cha made it sturdy by entwining 2 wires together.

More updates as the project progresses...

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