Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do you want to have your very own Internet Business Card?

Image representing as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Through my Work-At-Home course under Internet Guru Jomar Hilario, I found this new site where you can make a profile and consolidate all your presence on the web in this site! It's called and it's the simplest and fastest way to advertise your web presence, more importantly to drive traffic to your blogs. You can put links to your social network sites like Facebook and Twitter and to your blogs and even let anyone e-mail you (of course, without revealing your e-mail add). It's like your internet business card!

Sick of PTC earnings? Work as a Virtual Assistant instead!

Here are some fascinating profiles I checked out at
And here's our own profile:

Check out my profile!
So get yours now by clicking here.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Monday Sunset Necklace

Was inspired by the crochet necklace pattern I found in the magazine that Aunt Cres sent me from the States:
From Crochet World: The Joy of Thread

And looking for color inspiration, this picture I took of the sunset outside the bedroom window of our 16th floor condo made me choose sunny yellow colors for my next project...

outside my bedroom window, Monday's Sunset

Sunny colors

Almost done...

Finished this necklace in 2 days!

Monday Sunset necklace

As worn

Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project: For Aunt Cres....Finished!

Aunt Cres got her necklaces last week and she said she loved 'em so much she spent a night wearing them over and over again! Thanks for the compliment, Auntie!

Here are the 2 finished necklaces:

Dreamcatchers in Amethyst

Detailed view

Katherine necklace in Sunny Yellow

Vertically worn

Detailed view

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project: For Aunt Cres

My latest customer is my Aunt Cres, a third cousin of my Mom, who lives in California and she ordered 3 necklaces right away!

The first one was the Terya necklace which was inspired by my Mom:

Terya Necklace

She wanted the second one to be patterned after the Dreamcatcher_1 necklace but the colors to be patterned after the violet and amethyst light of St. Germaine and Archangel Zadkiel...

in progress
And the third one is similar to the Katherine necklace but colors inspired by the Angel Jophiel so I found these buttery shades of yellow:

Colors for the Cresbi necklace
Cresbi Necklace horizontal diagram

Cresbi necklace vertical diagram

I'm working on the 3rd necklace and will probably finish by the end of the week :)

"Everyday and in every way, I am getting better and better!"

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