Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Crochet How-To: Crochet Mitered Squares

Scanning through my Crochet Adorned book for inspiration, came upon the crochet mitered square pattern and thought this would make a fabulous accessory like an over-sized cocktail ring!

This pattern is really easy as it only involves adding 2 chains (ch) in the middle of your work to make the miter. Here's the simple pattern I'd like to share with you:

Stitch Guide:  ch - Chain
                     sc - Single Crochet
                     st         - Stitch
Make magic ring (click here to find out how to make a magic ring)
Row 1
Make 3 sc inside magic ring. Turn.
Ch 1, 1 sc in first st; (1 sc, ch 2, 1 sc) in second st then 1 sc on third st. Turn.

Row 2
Ch 1, 1 sc on next 2 st; (1 sc, ch 2, 1 sc) on the ch 2 of previous row then 1 sc  on next 2 st. Turn.

Row 3
Ch 1, 1 sc on next 3 st; (1 sc, ch 2, 1 sc) on the ch 2 of previous row then 1 sc on next 3 st. Turn.

By now it would be evident that the miter is done by adding ch 2 at the upper right corner of the square. You may opt to change color on any of the rows, just remember to finish off by adding ch 1 at end of each row or before adding new color to maintain the sharp edge of the square.
Try mixing the color or texture of yarns for a fancier look.
So here's my work in progress so far...

Haven't quite finished it yet but my sister already claimed this one as her birthday gift! 
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